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Hi friends, today i want to aware you all about a topic which has become a topic of discussion these days that is Pegasus Spyware.... What is Pegasus?.. How it works?...
Pegasus is an spyware built and marketed by Israel Company NSO Group Technologies (NSO standing for Niv, Shalev and Omri, the names of the company's founders). It's a spyware that infects devices and enemy agent on the victim by transferring data to a master server in an unauthorized manner. The company claims to sell it only to "Vetted Foreign Governments" worldwide.
How does it work?...
Pegasus can affect the devices which are connected to the internet. It can harm your device if you install any unauthorized apps and opens an unknown links. It can also be in the form of pixels in any of the image..... eg. if you see any image on internet random searches or on social media there's a huge chance of Pegasus spyware in the form of pixels hidden in any image, if accidently you click on that pixel then it will get installed on your device automatically without let you know.....
Most Spyware and stalkerware apps disguise themselves as anti-theft applications that can be used to track stolen or lost devices. While viruses and malware can be detected by anti-virus software, spyware and stalkerware apps disguise themselves as useful and send out stolen data to central servers without the knowledge of the users.
For spyware apps, the easiest method is to disguise the spying code inside the unauthorised versions of premium apps. On the other hand, stalkerware apps seek explicit permissions at the time of their installation
Such stalkerware applications, once installed, hide themselves in the background, from where they continue functioning. Similarly, Pegasus infects phones and computers of victims either through vulnerabilities in most commonly used apps such as WhatsApp, iMessage, or SMS. The software tries to gain "root privileges" so that they can become device administrators.
Most media reports on Pegasus relate to the comprise of Apple devices. The spyware infects Android Devices too, but isn't as effective as it relies on a rooting technique that isn't 100 percent reliable. When the initial infection attempt fails, the spyware supposedly prompts the user to grant relevant permissions so it can be deployed effectively...
So, a better way too protect phone is that be upgraded with the newer version of the latest OS {operating system}, UI {user interface}, & apps running on your Smartphones and PC's...
Hope so it will help you all who are reading this...
Thank You...
Computer understands binary which stores information in bits.. Now,
In Decimal,
1 GB = 1000 MB
1 MB = 1000 KB
1 KB = 1000 B
But in Binary,
1 GB = 1024 MB
1 MB = 1024 KB
1 KB = 1024 B
So, let's take an example of 64 GB variant of your smartphone..
as computer stores information in bits so convert all data in bits..
Storage = Decimal Data in bits / Binary Data in Bits
Storage = (64 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) = 59.60 GB
This is a storage without any deduction of firmware and OS of your phone..
OS would take around 3-7 GB depend on OS company using and firmware around 5-50 KB
So, around 55GB you will get in 64GB variant of your smartphone... Same concept is for other Electronics Devices...
For 1TB Hard Disk,
1TB = 1000 GB (in Decimal)
Storage = (1 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) = 931.32 GB
Out of 1TB = 931.32 will be available only...
There's no OS in SD cards only firmwares are there but there's also a same concept. So, overall all this is due to way in which companies are making storage...
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