Tuesday 25 April 2023

Question 1: Getting_Started {HDLBits-Verilog-Solutions}

Welcome to HDLBits-Verilog-Solutions!

Getting started in Digital Logic Design can be overwhelming at first because you need to learn new concepts, a new Hardware Description Language (e.g., Verilog), several new software packages, and often an FPGA board, all at the same time. HDLBits provides a way to practice designing and debugging simple circuits with a single click of "Simulate".

Designing a circuit requires several steps: Writing HDL (Verilog) code, compiling the code to produce a circuit, then simulating the circuit and fixing bugs.


Question 1: Build a circuit with no inputs and one output. That output should always drive 1 (or logic high).


                module top_module( output one );

                // Insert your code here

                    assign one = 1;



Thank you!!!!

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Question 3: Wire {HDLBits-Verilog-Solutions}

  Welcome to  HDLBits -Verilog-Solutions ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 3:   Create ...

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